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Navarra finalizes preparations for White Week 2024

Within the dissemination actions of the project and, specifically, in the Navarra area, the launch of a campaign is planned, within the framework of the “White Week” where work will be done with more than 2,000 schoolchildren and visitors, who use of the ski slopes near the habitat, in order to inform and raise awareness among the local and visiting population about the rich biodiversity of the Larra-Aztaparreta ZEC, as well as the importance of its management to achieve habitats that are less vulnerable to change. global and make human activities compatible with its
conservation. This action is coordinated by the partners Environmental Management of Navarra – Nafarroako Ingurumen Kudeaketa (GAN-NIK), a public company of the Government of Navarra, an entity specialized in the various environmental sectors, which aims to contribute to protecting and improving the environment, and its knowledge.