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Work Packages EN

Work packages

WP1: Project management and coordination actions

Specific objectives

  • Define the project management and coordination structure and systems.
  • Establish control and monitoring channels.
  • Follow-up of actions and detection of problems.
  • Networking and communication between partners.
  • Design the strategic coordination plan


WP2: Preliminary work for the development of the habitat conservation strategy at the regional scale

Specific objectives

  • To know the initial state of the habitat based on structure, functionality, and biological indicators
  • Obtain information prior to the actions of the bio-indicators for monitoring and key species.
  • Obtain prior information for the design of transfer and dissemination products.


  • T2.1.- Review (state of the art) on criteria and indicators.
  • T2.2.- Diagnosis (GIS and remote sensing) of the state of HIC at the Pyrenean scale.
  • T2.3.- Field diagnosis at Pyrenean and regional scale on a representative sample
  • T2.4.- Field diagnosis of the stands identified in T2.2.
  • T2.5.-Biodiversity diagnosis in selected stands (direct indicators + indirect indicators).
  • T2.6.- Grazing pressure assessment.
  • T2.7.- Identification of areas sensitive to over-frequentation.
  • T2.8.- Data management diagnostic.

WP3: Habitat action plans for each SAC, definition of the habitat conservation strategy

Specific objectives​

  • Definition of the habitat conservation strategy.
  • Prepare habitat Action Plans for each SAC.


  • T3.1.- Development of the HIC Conservation Strategy at the regional scale (from WP2 onwards).
  • T3.2.- Develop HIC Conservation Plans at SAC scale (six SACs) in the medium and long term, through optimization models, and proposed monitoring of habitat conservation status.

WP4: Agreements with landowners

Specific objectives

  • Establish the terms of responsibility and commitments of the LIFE projects with the landowners where the project’s actions will be carried out.
  • Elaborate and agree on implementation schedules.
  • Inform landowners affected by the scope of the project actions.
  • Promote a space for exchange and trust with the landowners involved.


  • T4.1.- Establish agreements with landowners where actions will be implemented.
  • T4.2.- Design and agree on action schedules with landowners.

WP5: Actions for the conservation and improvement of mountain pine forests in limestone areas

Specific objectives

  • Increase the area of forests with priority for conservation and ecological processes not linked to human intervention.
  • Promote multifunctional forest management based on the principles of naturalistic forestry and integrating key biodiversity elements.


  • T5.1- Designate stands to natural dynamics according to the diagnosis of WP2.
  • T5.2.- Forestry actions to accelerate maturity processes in forests with natural dynamics.
  • T5.3.- Integration of biodiversity criteria in multifunctional forests (young or middle-aged regular stands).
  • T5.4.- Integration of biodiversity criteria in multifunctional forests (capitalized mature stands).
  • T5.5.- Integration of biodiversity criteria in multifunctional forests (irregular stands with commercial use).

WP6: Prevention and mitigation of impacts

Specific objectives

  • Reduce the risk of high-intensity fires in vulnerable forests.
  • Reduce and restore the impact of herbivory by domestic and wild ungulates on the habitat in forests under pressure.


  • T6.1- Prescribed fires and mechanical clearing at strategic fire risk points.
  • T6.2.- Reduction of herbivory pressure – understory restoration.
    • T6.2.1- Restoration of pastures near forests with herbivory pressure by domestic animals.
    • T6.2.2.- Exclusion of animals from mature or overgrazed stands.
    • T6.2.3.- Creation of exclusion enclosures for wild ungulates.
    • T6.2.4.- Restoration of the understory in exclusion enclosures.

WP7: Regulation of public use

Specific objectives

  • Prevent the impact of recreational activities on biota, especially in areas exposed to over-frequentation, or containing sensitive species of interest.
  • Reverse the effects of over-frequentation in selected areas.


  • T7.1- Identification of areas under pressure or particularly vulnerable to over-frequentation.
  • T7.2.- Definition of exclusion zones for mass sporting events.
  • T7.3.- Restriction of motorized access to forests of high conservation concern.
  • T7.4.- Rationalization of the road and trail network in sensitive areas.
  • T7.5.- Implementation of measures to reduce noise and disturbances.

WP8: Monitoring of the ecological and socio-economic impact of the project

Specific objectives

  • Assess the impact of the project on biological indicators, key species, and ecosystem functions.
  • Assess the socio-economic impact of the project at local scale.
  • Define post-LIFE monitoring methodologies.


  • T8.1-  Monitoring of direct (fauna and flora) and indirect (PBI) biodiversity and structure indicators.
  • T8.2.- Indicators of the Carbon cycle and stocks in managed stands (aboveground biomass, organic soil, dead wood).
  • T8.3.- Indicators of forest fire mitigation (fuel to PEGs, simulations).
  • T8.4.- Herbivory indicators (pasture reduction, understory vitality).
  • T8.5.- Frequentation indicators.
  • T8.6.- Monitoring of socio-economic impact.
  • T8.7.- Data management.

WP9: Sustainability, replication, and exploitation of results

Specific objectives

  • Description of the coordination strategies for the replicability of the actions, identifying potential areas.
  • Ensure the use, transfer, and dissemination of project results.