
The mission of the Forest Science and Technology Center of Catalonia (CTFC) is to contribute to the modernization and competitiveness of the forestry sector, rural development, and the sustainable management of the natural environment through research, training, and technology transfer and knowledge to society. In this context, the activity carried out aims to solve problems related to ecosystem management and the interaction of natural resources with society, to improve the wealth and well-being of people and the sustainability of the natural environment in the context of current global change. This orientation translates into the return of the results of our work to society. The CTFC articulates its activity around three programs: Landscape dynamics and biodiversity, Multifunctional forest management, and Governance and bioeconomy of rural areas, which frame the different lines of research, training, and transfer developed at the institution.

Environmental Management of Navarra – Nafarroako Ingurumen Kudeaketa (GAN-NIK) is an instrumental entity of the Government of Navarra assigned to the Dept. of Rural Development and Environment, and integrated into the Public Business Corporation of Navarra (CPEN).
GAN-NIK, as a public company with high specialization in the various environmental sectors, that wants to contribute to Navarra by being prepared to face the new challenges we are facing: Climate Change, the need to avoid the loss of the territory’s biodiversity, the comprehensive planning of natural resources and the management of areas of protected natural spaces, helping to promote Navarra’s forestry strategy or the Circular economy, etc.
The activity covers different fields related to environmental management and includes the drafting, management, and execution of projects, plans, and programs and the contracting of works and services related to the protection, preservation, improvement, and maintenance of nature and the waste policy.

The Forest Property Center (CPF) is a public body with autonomy that integrates all the powers of the administration over the managed private forests of Catalonia. It was created with the objective of unifying and rationalizing the administrative action of planning and controlling actions on private forest lands, with the ultimate goal of promoting sustainable forest management. The powers range from regulating, managing, and supporting privately owned farms in Catalonia, to participating in the development of forestry planning and dissemination of sustainable forestry methods. Since 2004, the CPF has had an Innovation and Technology Transfer Plan (PITT), which aims to transfer the results of forestry research to foresters and managers so that they can adopt them in their normal practice. This plan includes the management and financing of projects, and especially the organization and execution of transfer activities: technical conferences, training courses, and technical and dissemination publications. The PITT includes basic and dissemination actions and, within these, the study and transfer of the ORGEST multifunctional models, which integrate the improvement of forest use with the prevention of forest fires, while improving water availability, and the fixation of carbon and biodiversity. These management models were developed together with the Catalan Forest Science and Technology Center Consortium (CTFC) for the main forest typologies in Catalonia

The main objective of CREAF is to generate knowledge and create new methodological tools in the field of terrestrial ecology, with special emphasis on forest ecology, to improve environmental planning and management in rural and urban areas.
This is achieved through:
A) First-class, innovative, basic research. CREAF is a center of excellence at a national and international level.
B) Applied research, especially in the field of forestry. This research contributes to the sustainable management and conservation of forest resources and ecosystems.
C) Development of methodological and conceptual tools. These tools are designed to facilitate decision-making and improve environmental management.
D) The transfer and dissemination of knowledge. CREAF transfers scientific and technological knowledge through training courses, consulting work, and different types of publications.
CREAF’s activities include research on biodiversity, dynamics, and functions that aims to: increase global knowledge of the mechanisms that generate and maintain biodiversity and the functioning mechanisms of terrestrial ecosystems, in particular forests; the analysis of territorial patterns that characterize biodiversity and structure; and the study of the factors that threaten it

The Catalonia-La Pedrera Foundation is a non-profit entity. One of its main objectives is the conservation of natural heritage and the landscape and raising awareness among the population of the need to protect the environment.
In this sense, the Foundation has three lines of action:
- The acquisition of territory representative of highly conserved natural environments and the subsequent management of these in collaboration with conservation institutions, other non-governmental organizations, and public entities.
- Collaboration in nature conservation projects carried out by other national institutions.
- Develop a continuous educational task, among children and young people, as well as among adults, to create environmental values in our society.
The Foundation currently helps protect 4.5% of Catalan territory and already owns 26 spaces. In this sense, the Foundation participates in the sustainable management of 144,096 hectares, made up of Foundation properties (acquired for conservation purposes) and other public and/or private properties in which the Foundation has custody agreements with their owners

Integra Pirineus aims to contribute to the social and labor insertion of people at risk of social exclusion, with special attention to people with intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia is the department of the Administration of the Generalitat that has powers over agriculture, livestock and fishing policies, hunting activities, and river fishing, the development of the rural world. , surveillance, control, and collaboration in the management of the natural environment, and the comprehensive protection and prevention of the environment, forests, and the agri-food industry and food policies, among others

The Government of Navarra is the Administration that has powers over agriculture, livestock and fishing policies, hunting activities and river fishing, the development of the rural world, surveillance, control, and collaboration in the management of the natural environment, and the protection and comprehensive prevention of the environment, forests and the agri-food industry and food policies, among others, of Navarra.